Hello TideLine.Org Fans! We are in our second week of March and wow. Can I just say wow! Do you know what I mean when I say that?! Time is a flyin’.
My blow slot came to a sudden halt last week when Emma my beautiful testy Denver Furnace decided she was done and blew an element. What does that mean? She is an electric 135 lb glass furnace with the element coils directly above the pot of molten glass. She gets moody with temperature change and if you look at her differently and decides to crap out on you JUST when you have a brilliant plan and idea and you are ready. Like ready! Like the morning she and I had our falling out I had my lucky blowing shirt on, a plan drawn out in my book, a list in my phone, the perfect music on (btw thank you 97.3FM), glory hole was hot and ready and I went to go in with my favourite blow pipe to a door that was stuck shut. The temperature that should be at 2120 Degrees Fahrenheit was now at 1230 Degrees…… The tears started to well. My jaw was clenched. There is not a thing you can do at this point so I packed up my Dog Karen and we headed to the Campbell River Spit.
So now what? Well, I actually enjoy business, the concepts, the stats, the research, the networkings, and the experiments to continue growth. Right now I am struggling with creating more of a following than just the amazing friends and family that are forced to “like” my Instagram and FaceBook Posts but I am learning and with that so is Victoria!
This month we have ramped up our Etsy Supply Shop for our local Campbell River, Courtenay, and Comox Valley crafters and artists who have a love for the glass medium can purchase embellishments, mosaic tiles, or jewellers we have a growing supply of them! So be sure to visit that here: ETSY SUPPLY’S
And then there is Pinterest at the moment its a love/hate – first off its addicting! I have the most amazing and magical wedding planned and as a result my carpets did not get vacuumed like I promised myself they would… the cat doesn’t mind. Also the do it yourself projects, the inspirations, the manifestation ideas I have now that include tomato gardens and a porch. Like seriously! I digress. I have been pinning TideLine.Orgs photos from this site, Etsy Sites, & Instagram... which is a lot of work but then gets me on another “Toni you should do this” note/list/To-Do… PHOTOS. As an artist that makes things we do not document as well as we should, and our pieces deserve more of that attention. GAW!!!!!! It’s a loop I continue to go around and around on…but in my humbled opinion we are getting there. We are growing, we are meeting our goals, and it feels AMAZING!
So recap:
1. Save the dates for the Comox Valley Studio Tour the Map is already posted and our profile is there too so make sure you take a look! There are a lot of participants which is pretty cool!
2. Are you an artist yourself? Do you work with Glass? Do you Mosaic? Are you a Jeweller? Journal Artist? Check out our Etsy Supply Shop! Follow it and you will get notifications when we update.
3. Do you deserve a gift from yourself? Is it your birthday? Do you have to buy a housewarming gift (do people do that still?) we have some pretty things on our TideLine.Org Etsy Shop!
4. Are you a Pinner? Help a gal out and pin some of your TideLine Favourites! I’ll love ya forever (I will even if you won’t)