Hey its December 1 today. December – the last month of 2019. What a whirlwind. I love December mostly because it involves a lot of chocolate and cookies. Why do we only bake in December?
So being its December 1 – you have 24 days to get those thoughtful gifts for the people you care about or feel obligated – I kid. Kind of.
Maybe I can help? TLG has some classic Tidal Balls with the cute lil story that can hang inside or out. JELLY FISH! Everyone loves the Jelly Fish – there is still a handful of those left. Some beautiful silver jewellery made by Vicki. We have gifts from $5. and up that are thoughtful, unique, and locally made!
It’s Give away time – super easy to be entered into the draw all you have to do is LIKE the Tideline.Org Fan Page on the FaceBook. Comment & Tag a friend on the video of the Tidal Ball post. Share the Video to your page! That’s it, that simple, that easy. When will you get the message you won? December 15!
Shop local, make a difference in a small business life. We work hard.
Grab that hot drink, walk the Shoppers Row, admire the decorations and let the Wintery Christmas Spirit in… Merry December 1. Love you all!