I love buying handmade – I love the atmosphere of markets and shows. The talent always amazes me, and speaking with the maker is always rewarding. Because a maker is passionate about their product whereas at the big box store the “kid” at their evenings & weekends job doesn’t care about the product on the shelf… and why should they? Thats the CEO’s job right?
I may have already told you but my family has implemented the “You have to make your gifts” umm ok really what am I going to make? And you’re probably thinking well duh you’re a glassblower blow the gal a ball and she will be happy. Yea, no. My mom takes what she wants usually when I am not looking. And my dad loves my tumblers – he takes the big ones that hold the most chocolate milk so thats out too. And my brothers – they smile that polite smile they have to when my parents are looking and say thanks when I give them a paper weight or something. So what will I make them? I am open to your suggestions and I have no integrity when it comes to this sort of thing so Ill probably cheat a little bit!
TLG Studio is open daily 10-4 for your shopping needs and we are pretty flexible if there is a time you’d rather – its the “be simple” business mantra… why make things difficult? Just give us a heads up.
And open 24 hrs a day is our Etsy shop!
We also have a good representation at the Raven Song Gallery AND at the French Creek Collective on Shoppers Row downtown CAMPBELL RIVER as well as the Artisans Studio on Commercial St. in Nanaimo.