Holidays are fast approaching for me – I have been counting down at work and some have asked “are you going somewhere?” and I answer yes, I am going to my happy place. Not that work isn’t happy – its work and I enjoy it, the people and the challenges but my happy place is my hot shop. When the furnace is cold, I think about what I can make next, how I can make myself better at the craft. I research youtube, pinterest, the glass forums, anything to learn more. I follow the glass museums and artists on facebook – I am certain that my happy place is the hot shop.
As most you know, Vicki is my business partner (also my dads wife, a k a my mother) we have been collaborating some ideas – we are almost ready to share with you. I usually don’t collaborate the blowing with Vicki – but she has been coming up with some pretty cool ideas so I ordered some new glass color – and not the usual colors I lean towards. I think the new line will be a hit! Stay tuned!