I am moving. I have always been a girl that has been interested in different. Unique. Bizarre at times… I remember announcing to my family that I was moving to Ontario to go back to school, to become my own person and support myself! And my Dad, my sweet sweet Dad was so supportive asked what I was going to study? Nursing?
What?! Nursing! No. Glass blowing! Like it wasn’t obvious. To me it was – to me it’s always obvious but to my friends, my family I see their faces… I see their thoughts of oh wow she’s serious.
Always serious. But with my serious comes a door I hide behind and I freak out! No, I freak out- I question my every move, I lay awake all night thinking of everything that could go wrong, I have scenarios for years… Some times my deep thoughts help and lately well they don’t.
I have a plan, a life plan and uprooting my life is what needs to be done – but I am so tired of being tired that I wish I could just walk into my hot shop and turn on the Glory hole and sweat the stress out. It’s funny how your own mind can beat you down and point out the negative and really surround your own self with stormy depressing rain clouds… it’s actually quite sad because you’d never talk to your friend the way you talk to yourself. Or maybe this is just me?
And if I’m being honest here, the stress is minimal. I have a place to live, I have a job. It’s just collecting boxes and putting the plans into action – and I think, although I am terribly busy with the move blowing glass would rest my mind.
So far I have thought of some new colour schemes for tumblers, new sets I’d like to make. Some bud vases. I never make vases! Who am I?! I thrive in chaos. I said that in my interview… it is true. I thrive in it – when my flight or fight kicks in my brain turns on. Last night my brain turned on and I am ready for my new chapter.
I will always blow glass, I love blowing glass. I WILL be back to blow glass – plus my mom is a pretty good cook. What does this mean for you? Nothing. I have always worked full-time and none of you noticed – I’ll continue to make. Etsy will continue to list and sell… Instagram will continue to share the new, the exciting, and the past. Facebook will still be your go to to snoop at what we are up to next. I promise, TideLine.Org will continue to be your Campbell River glass gals go to! You won’t even notice!