Shy – to nervous or timid.
So loving life lately! Love my business and where it is going – and with the excitement leads me to wanting and craving more. I am interested, I am obsessed – I want to learn and get better. And I am not blowing glass right now so what else do you do??! Its too cold to paddle board for this girl so yea… YouTube is my friend. Marketing videos keep me up at night, manifesting like a wild woman. Like I said life is great. And also Chai Tea lattes aren’t too bad either.
So in my discovery and how to get a bigger online platform apparently I have to take FaceBook Live… uh what? You want me to video tape my awkward artist self and say what exactly? Great. So there goes our online business because well – yea. 90% of the time I do not wear make up nor do I use hairspray. I enjoy my ugly over sized sweater and leggings. No. Just no.
OR should I? It is all part of my “New year New Me” mantra – maybe you do want to hear what I have to say. I say “I” because I haven’t ran this whopper by Victoria yet… and I can already hear her laughing at me. But maybe just maybe these professionals are on to something here. So tell me what you think? Would you want to join me in the hotshop one afternoon to see how its made? Or maybe you’re a stained glass beginner and there is a Tip we can share with you about scoring glass…
Its a thought!? Ill think about it… You think about it… and maybe we can convince to Vicki to do it!