An adjective to describe a fear of being attacked or harmed either emotionally or physically – Vulnerable. As an artist I feel vulnerable all of the time, what I make is personal, how I made it I hold personal. I am not the best glass blower out there, I don’t know who the best is – it’s a tough measurement to grasp but I know that I am by far not the best but I am also not the worst. They say it takes 10,000 hours of practice to be an expert. You would think after TLG began back in 2005 that I would get use to showing my work out there and feel the confidence of a professional – but can I just be honest here? I do the “happy dance” in my head and sometimes when you’re not looking when someone buys my cup, or a tidal ball. I feel absolute gratitude, validated, and accomplished when someone falls in love with the Jelly Fish. I truly do.
I wanted to share with you all that this past year, or years have been amazing! I love how everyone has been so encouraging- I read your messages, your comments, your reviews and I cherish you all.
And I know it goes the same for Vicki, she is always surprised almost when someone chooses her drift line, shocked that they see what she sees. And I always laugh because I think of course they love it! Its unique and original. Vicki gets the biggest grin on her face when she hears the etsy order ding on her iPad – like seriously big toothy grin. And it doesn’t matter if it was $5 or $25 or the fact that she has been doing etsy sales for years…. it never gets old.
Vicki and I have been talking a lot about TLG and where we want to venture next with it and in that we talked about the branding. The look. We have always been Yellow & Purple – do you know why? Because it’s our birthstone colors and happen to be opposite colors on the wheel… and we are two very different gals so the colors felt fitting. But we are also two very powerful gals so with the help of a friend and local artist here in CAMPBELL RIVER; Terri Wells we have a new logo we will be working with!
We are absolutely in love with this logo that Vicki is getting it tattooed on her neck, lol I kid but if she was the type I think thats where she would get it. Stay tuned!