This week its my turn… and I really hesitated on what to say!? Who likes talking about themselves!? So here – how well do you really know me, Toni Johnson?
It is true – I went to Elementary School here, I attended Willow Point Elementary & Penfield Elementary school in Campbell River, as well as Southgate for a year back when it was a high school.
I attended Port Hardy Secondary School where I graduated and lived for 15 years.
When I was 26 years old I moved to Ontario and graduated from Sheridan College after studying Glass! I majored in Glass Blowing & minored in Sand casting. When I graduated I moved home – to Campbell River.
What I want for you to know is that I am a Glass Blower trying my absolute best always. That I strive to be on centre, thin, and want to be known- what do I mean but that? I want you to pick up my cup and say this looks like a “Toni Johnson” cup. Or when you meet another glass blower you say – “Have you heard of Toni Johnson?”
What I want for you to know is that even when I am not in the hot shop I work day and night at this beautiful business we call TideLine.Org.
I love my life, I love what I do and every day I feel absolute gratitude for it!