I think I am good at Social Distancing – I think I’ve practice this in my everyday life, even before this blasted Covid-19 virus broke out. The only thing now is I am afraid to go grocery shopping, before I was just lazy and didn’t want to go. Now it brings on anxiety & worries – which is silly because I have a good sense and practises in place which include my lysol wipes and a good hand washing upon my return. Now I don’t feel the freedom I once had to run out to grab supplies like silicon, etc. Now it’s gardening season and my patio looks bare – but are flowers worth the risk?
But for the most part I think I have experience with social distancing – I spend a lot of time alone and don’t feel a lot of shake up to my everyday life. But I did miss my best friends birthday – we did the Zoom thing but it felt pretty impersonal. There is the social evenings that I miss – a glass of wine, some laughs. You know?
TideLine.Org has adjusted – I am pretty proud actually of the changes we implemented and to be honest was the long term goal to be an online shop and well day by day here we are. We are doin it! And it feels amazing. Between both our Etsy shops we have more than 600 listings and the response has been incredible. Right now we have a sale on our TideLine.Org Etsy Shop exclusive to Canadians a 20% off Sale with the code TIDE20. Maybe it’s the times, maybe people are finally understanding the importance of shopping local, supporting the artists – THANK YOU! Just Thank you. Every day I say my thanks- and every day when I see the posts on FaceBook of local businesses being supported my heart feels overjoyed. We should be proud of each other, and I hope that when this is over that we continue.
I hope that when this is all over with we wear the custom design t-shirts, we continue to buy the locally made laundry soap, and we continue to support our local butcher & those homemade pirogies. Seriously! I really hope that we learn something here – that not only our Earth heals but that we are rejuvenated and instilled with a sense of loyalty to our own community, our province and our country. So thank you Campbell River!