
 Garden Stakes galore… so these are a sneak peak at the newest design of stake, and I can’t take any credit for them.  My dad has been working for two days now on them…welding, drilling… maybe even swearing a little.

At one point, even my 13 yr old brother was outside helping us prep them for paint.  We ended up with the usual white ones and black ones.  Doubles, triples, and singles.

Some with driftwood on the stake itself, some with the glass mounted in driftwood then mounted in the stake… and then the plain ones with no driftwood.  Those ones were my personal favorite, only because all I had to do then was paint them and silicone the glass into them.

Needless to say, thank you to my Dad who gave up his days off in the name of Toni’s Art.  Meanwhile my mother was making Jelly Fish tentacles for new Jelly Fish… Ok I’m a little spoiled.

All of these will be available to see/purchase even at the 10th Annual Arts & Bloom Festival this weekend at the Kitty Coleman gardens!