So TLG had a fantastic year – amazing actually and choosing the best 10 has posed difficulty but here goes!
Sandcasting! If you know me – it will always be sand casting as my top pick. I love sand casting! I love the impressions, the detail the glass picks up, the heat, the smell, and the finished pieces. I love explaining to people what it is when they pick up a “beach memory” or hold in their hand a barnacle. It’s such a unique process that requires some planning, imagination and resilience.
Amethyst! Healing crystals, blown glass, tumblers. All that brought challenges, creative juices, sketches, experimenting and the result was success. I enjoyed researching the crystals and combining two loves. This was a collaborative between Vicki & I – and well it was a lot of fun.
Tumblers! I had to learn to make cups again, self punties- I can guarantee you I did a lot of swearing and then a lot of celebrating when I finally was able to make a simple cup again! If you bought some of the tumblers this year – make sure you use them! No sitting in the cupboard waiting for a special occasion because every day is a special occasion!
Recognition. It was such an honour to be recognized in the Compass Magazine which not only boosted the ol’self esteem but man was it cool reading some of the emails, meeting new people and doing some custom orders! So thank you!
Experimentation. This year I was able to take a moment in the hotshop and try out some new things, I mustered up some courage and some strength to try some new things out and even encouraged my Mom and baby brother into the hotshop to help. Made for a fun year in the hotshop!
Silver Jewellery. Vicki and I took a course on jewellery making – I can tell you Vicki excelled. She finally had to tell me “no, put that back” when I’d add another stacker ring to my finger. Her spinner rings were a success – and I can tell you she is off to her advance jewellery course in the New Year… stay tuned!
The Christmas Gift tour was our first time opening our studio space up to the public and well can we just say we can’t wait for next year?! It was awesome. Beyond awesome! We teamed up with some friends and invited the town to see what we had been up to. So thank you CAMPBELL RIVER and COURTENAY!
TideLine.Org is on ETSY! And branching out onto the World Wide Web has been rewarding – thank you to Vicki for her time that she puts into this site and to Dakota for the photography… time consuming but totally worth it!
We were able to raise $100 to the Loggers fundraisers! So thank you to all that bid on this beautiful Jelly Fish. It meant a lot to Vicki and I to give back. We were also able to host a few give aways – we got our name for the new Tumbler design “Eb & Flow” as well as a Tidal Ball! So thank you to all that supported us on our FaceBook Page!
And number 10 is the new TLG – A local artist Terri Wells sketched and designed this beautiful glass blower. Vicki and I know what we want for TLG for 2020 and can we just say it encompasses the same feel this picture portrays – strength, elegance, tradition to name a few!