
I am so stoked for this Spring Prestige Show in Sooke this coming weekend! I think I figured out my packaging dilemma.  I have the tags for all the pieces I’ve made ready to print.  Displays are figured out.  I think we’re are looking good.  Ready for the city.  And, bonus its Mothers Day Weekend and I am spending the time with my mother… without her kid or her manfriend (she hates it when I call her husband her manfriend).

The following weekend is Kitty Coleman Show at the Woodland Gardens in Courtenay.  Two very great venues for handmade, island made, unique arts & crafts.  I believe these two shows are a great start to the season… now if we had the weather we had today, I would be a very happy glass blower.

I am satisfied with our change with the business, its made it so I have more time to sketch ideas, and follow through with my art pieces.  Making it that much easier to reply to call to artists even.  I make the production pieces I want to make…  its almost like I have more time for myself.  For the things that interest me.  My dog and I spend more time together, I’ve learned how to woodwork (Ok, use the big drill and sander), I read books, watch Ellen, and drink my coffee in my pj’s and FaceBook.  I’ve been setting new goals for myself, ones that I actually believe can happen!

Holy FaceBook love, the new ‘Likes’ are coming in faster than I thought, and I am totally grateful.  As soon as we hit the 250 mark, we will do the draw and one of the fans will win the Pearl Ammonite Pendant! Imagine the prize for the 1000 ‘Like’?